Page 2 - Laurel
P. 2

All Summer in a Dream

Autumn, Winter and Spring passed so slowly

– leaves dropped, snow fell, lowers burst – and 

suddenly school was done with, over. An end to F
exams, routines, book reports, projects, and the 

four-walled classroom. It was summer, inally, L

summer – a chance to be carefree, a chance for 
silence, a chance to rest. Just for a moment I 
closed my eyes and..

Everyone looked friendly and familiar, like my 

favorite worn, comfortable sneakers. Could I 
have known them from another dream, another T

time? They smiled at me, hugged me, and 
chatted about their school year. I began to feel 
comfortable and easy, but where was I going.

And then I turned to my left, and through the N
bus window I saw lush sunlit ields, stretching 

to the distant woods. I saw cedar-strewn and 

blue rock paths winding through the woods S
past deep red buildings and green courts, going 
steadily downward and deeper beneath shady .

trees until the path ended. And there, stretched .
out beneath a brightly blue sky was the lake, a 

deep mirror at my feet.

So this was my dream destination. I had arrived 

as had many others before and with me now,
to my dream called summer in a place 

called Camp Laurel.

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