It was another exciting week at Laurel as the summer flies by! We’ve had tons of intercamps and tournaments, camping trips to Acadia National Park and various Maine State Parks, awesome evening programs, and lots of in-camp specials. On Tuesday evening, Senior Bec and Bago set out for their annual whitewater rafting trip down the Kennebec River and they can’t stop talking about how much fun it was! On Wednesday, our older campers got a chance to check out Funtown/Splashtown, Boothbay Harbor, and Freeport while Acadia and Apache had camp to themselves all afternoon to play Ga-Ga, Wacky Relays, and lots of other fun games. Thursday was our annual 5-Year-Club trip. Campers who have been at camp five or more years were treated to a special barbeque meal and then hit the town to catch a movie. They also received their 5-Year-Club shirt with their own personalized message on back. Program is in high gear this weekend and next week as we look forward to more instructionals, Carnival, the Dance Show, and this year’s Big Show, High School Musical. We can’t wait!