The Official Blog of Camp Laurel
Moosetrack News

Cabin Life…Camp Life

How could it be we’ve been here for almost a week already? You’d never know it by looking around camp. Campers and Counselors look as if they’ve been functioning like a family for a long time. Of course, like in a home, there are always some “learning moments” in cabin life when everyone takes a little time to digest and step back to relax…and that’s all part of camp. Cabin life is all about learning to live and function together as a group and learning the skills to be tolerant, kind, flexible, forgiving and giving.



Outside the cabin, campers are honing skills all over camp. Tennis, Basketball, Lacrosse, Fitness., Metalsmithing, Aerial Park, Stand-Up Paddleboarding and more. Counselors are finding great satisfaction as campers master a variety of skills. Intercamps and Tournaments kicked off today and campers wanting more competition will start to participate in these competitive games which take place throughout the next five weeks. This week is going to be amazing! We’re so excited for THE QUEST, one of our best all-camp all-day events kicking off tomorrow morning. Then July 4th and the very best fireworks display in Kennebec County right on our lake. And let’s not forget Fridays first out-of-camp “S Day” of the summer when we’ll venture out by group on day trips all over the beautiful state of Maine.