The Official Blog of Camp Laurel
Moosetrack News

Every Summer is Unique


Every summer at Camp Laurel is unique and presents its own opportunities for forming friendships, making memories and growing as a person. Each camper, though part of a larger group, experiences moments that shape who they are. Big moments stick with everyone, like braving the morning waters for the Polar Bear Plunge or hearing the last Taps played at the Final Campfire.

We have “big events” every summer: College Days…Quest…Carnival…”S” Days…Theater Shows…the list goes on. These events create a buzz around camp. But every summer is more than the sum of its parts.

In fact, the best memories don’t always come from the biggest events. It’s the “in-between” moments that can impact us the most – like walking to an activity with a new friend. It’s as simple as having a great counselor who made bedtime awesome with the stories they’d tell. Or seeing a shooting star for the first time. It’s the jokes, laughter and shared experiences between cabinmates that truly define a camp season.

When we look back on what made the past summer so special, it’s about the people. The laughter and singing and cheering and inside jokes that only your camp friends understand…these are the little moments that make Camp Laurel our second home!