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Top Five Reasons Why Fruit Break Is Wicked Awesome

5. A Ten minute break between activities, sports and programs to refuel, relax and laugh with friends in the shade.

4. An apple a day might not keep the doctor away like the saying goes, but studies have shown that with the right about of fruit and vegetables a day, it is undeniably great for your health and immune system. One apple qualifies as one of the five to ten servings of fruit and vegetables recommended by the American Cancer Society that help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and stoke.

3. Just one serving of fruit revives your system with essential vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and water to help you keep going while climbing the rock wall, swimming in the lake, or volleying in tennis.

2. Eating fresh fruit gets you in the habit of eating something more nutritious for a snack instead of choosing one that is unhealthy and filled with sugar. This habit will lead to a better, healthier and happier life.

1. Nothing beats the juicy goodness of a peach or plum and the crisp first bite of an apple or pear!