The Official Blog of Camp Laurel
Moosetrack News

Hard To Believe

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow we’ll have been at camp for a week already. The time has flown. In that short period, we’ve played, swam, skied, spun, climbed, hiked, sailed and fished. We’ve fully reacquainted with old friends and made new ones. We’ve bonded with Counselors, Campus Leaders and Department Heads. But mostly, we’ve become comfortable in our own space and have settled in for the great ride of camp.
detailWe haven’t had an ounce of rain during the day — it’s been sunny and beautiful for all daytime activities and cooled down a bit at night. It’s now already time to take a minute to slow down. We’ve been hydrating all day and at all meals…fresh fruit at morning Fruit Break…Powerade at Rest Hour…water or milk at Nite Bite — and staying ahead so we can keep our energy up.

In addition to the great daily programming, our special events team has started to sprinkle in the “fun” part of camp as well. Quest, S Days, Talent Shows, Campfires, Sports Nite and so much more.  We’re ready for Week #2!!